Team Building Pretoria

Amazing Race Pretoria

Amazing Race Pretoria

Amazing Race Pretoria is a Fun Team Building Activity in Pretoria with Low Physical Requirements that is fit for All Ages

09h00 – Arrival
Arrival Coffee and Pastries

09h15 – Ice Breakers
Fun group activities

Green Screen Movie Making
Teams act in front of a Green Screen and without knowing why. The video is then edited with the Amazing Race and shown after lunch - hilarious

09h45 – Dividing Teams
Each member get a number, i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc. All the number “1’s” would be in team and all the number “2’s” in another team etc.

10h00 – Amazing Detours (or Green Screen Movie Making)
Teams have to compete in various Traditional Games such as Bharti, Tuck of War, Magic Carpet, Hula Hoop Races, Blind Folded Mine Field, Mini Soccer and many more

11h00 – Midmorning Snacks and Soft Drinks

11h15 – Amazing Imagination
Each team gets an Amazing Race Card with abstract backgrounds. They now have to use their imagination to take selfies with the abstract backgrounds. These abstract images include pics of Donald Trump, Julius Malema, Angelina Jolie, Pole Dancers etc.

12h00 – Amazing Riddles & Puzzles
Teams have to solve riddles and puzzles. They can only go to the next set of riddles when the first one’s are done

13h00 – Lunch
Usually a Spit Braai Buffet (halaal) with Pap, Gravy, Potatoes and Salads with a Soft Drink

14h00 – Prizes and depart at leisure
Amazing Race Pretoria